Thursday, July 28, 2011

Catching Up

Went to weigh in at WW on Monday and was down 1.6 pounds.  I have swam three days this week and I have done water aerobics two days this week.  I am loving all the time in the water. . . .I so wish I had a pool.  I am not sure what I am going to do for exercise once school starts and it starts getting cold (if that ever happens).  I will be able to do water aerobics because it is in the afternoon but I have been swimming in the mornings.
Tuesday morning I took another teaching certification test.  Still waiting on the scores.  Really hope I passed!  It is to teach 5th and 6th grade.  Which according to state rules when I first graduated from college the tests that I took then covered that but the US Dept. of Ed has a different understanding so I had to take another test.
And that is about all that has happened this week. Can't believe that summer's end is quickly coming to an end.  Oh and something to give you a chuckle.  This is a Texas Rain Gage and it has been a long time since it hasn't been full in a looooooooooong time!!  Have a great Friday.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

More Marriage Advice

Ok so Friday I linked up with Kelly's Korner and her show us your life best marriage advice.  While browsing pinterest (I am now addicted) I saw this and it is some of the best advice I have heard, well read!! 
If we all applied this to everything in our life just think of how much better off we would all be.

A Hill Called Mount Calvary

God's amazing handiwork.

A Hill Called Mount Calvary

There are things as we travel this earth’s drifting sand,
That transcend all the reason of man;
But the things that matter the most in this world,
They can't ever be held in our hands.

I believe in a hill called Mount Calvary,
I'll believe whatever the cost;
And when time has surrendered,
And earth is no more;
I'll still cling to that old rugged cross.

I believe that the Christ who was slain on the cross,
Has the power to change lives today;
For He changed me completely,
A new life is mine;
That is why by the cross I will stay.

I believe in a hill called Mount Calvary,
I'll believe whatever the cost;
And when time has surrendered,
And earth is no more;
I'll still cling to that old rugged cross.

I believe that this life with its great mystery,
Surely someday, yes someday, will come to an end;
But faith will conquer the darkness and death,
And will lead me, yes lead me at last to my friends.

I believe in a hill called Mount Calvary,
I'll believe whatever the cost;
And when time has surrendered,
And earth is no more;
I'll still cling to that old rugged cross.

The first time I remember hearing this song was around the time my Granddad passed away.  When he found out that he had cancer, he told my Grandmom that he wanted his family to sing for his funeral.  We knew that we would be too emotional to sing at the service so we recorded our music the night before (just fyi:  at church we sing acapella (no musical instruments)) and this was one of the songs.  My grandmother has told us that she wants the same tape (yes, we recorded on cassette tape because this was 1994) used when she passes away.  I have loved this song since we sang it for granddad.  We played the tape for my Mom's funeral while people were coming in and when they were leaving.  We had congregational singing (still acapella) and it was beautiful and this was one of the songs we sang.  A friend of our family used it for is wife's funeral back in January also.  When the tape is played you can hear my Mom's voice loud and clear and so beautiful.  Today at church my Dad led this song and I could hear Mom's voice loud and clear as we sang it.  I love when my Dad leads singing and I especially love it when he leads this song (that is if I can make it through without crying).  He and my Mom were always a team, even when he was leading singing.  He knew that she was sitting on the front row (or close to it) and would sing out so he could hear her.  I miss my Mom so very much.  I still have thoughts that I need to call her and tell her something or just to talk and she has been gone for a year and four months.  As a matter of fact, I did that just last week.
Last night I chatted with one of her nurses from MDAnderson and she has such wonderful things to say about my Mom.  She told me how much she thinks of my Mom and how it is still hard for her and one of the other nurses to go into my Mom's old room, even after all this time.  My Mom made such an impression on people because she had such a kind heart and I hope that I am able to do the same.
Well, I guess that is all for today.  I have cried all of my makeup off and I need a nap.  I hope you all have a great week and remember to hug the ones you love because you never know how much time you have to spend with them.

Friday, July 22, 2011

My Best Marriage Advice

Today I am linking up with Kelly's Korner for Show Us Your Life marriage advice.

Mr. Giggles and I have been married for 14 years, 4 months and 2 weeks.  And we have been through a lot of tough situations: the death of both his grandparents, my aunt, his uncle and my Mom, two miscarriages, and the stillbirth of our son but even though it has been hard there was never any doubt that we would be together.  Before we got married, I told Mr. Giggles that he was going to be stuck with me forever and that I was stuck with him!  Although I don't feel the least bit qualified to be giving marriage advice but here are some things that I have learned along the way:

Laugh:  have fun with each other.  Sometimes life gets too serious and a good laugh will help.  I love hearing my husbands deep laugh (and the occasional snort!!) especially when he is laughing with the nephew and niece.
Smile:  I love it when he smiles at me and it makes me feel better when I smile at him.
Put God first and the rest just kind of falls into place.
Don't air your dirty laundry with others, if there is a problem between the two of you, keep it between the two of you. . . . .don't involve friends.
Respect each other.
Spend time together that doesn't involve tv, computers, other distrations.
Hold hands, share kisses and hugs.
Talk. . . about important things, not important things, life, your day. . .just talk.
Love each other unconditionally.

Well, I am sure that there are 100 more things I could put because my parents were wonderful examples of what a marriage should look like but I can't think of anything else right now (and the hubs is telling me to hurry up and get in the shower!!!)

Have a GREAT Friday!!!

Weight Watchers Weigh In

One week of WW down and to with it. . . . .3 pounds down.  I had hoped for a little more but 3 is good.  Actually 3 is really good considering the fact that we were away from home and in a hotel from Thursday until Monday. . . .and we ate out every meal.  Yesterday I swam for an hour and a half in the morning and then did water aerobics for about an hour in the evening and I am glad that I can do that for exercise instead of walking or something else.  I don't mind exercising and not sweating which is a real success in the hot state of Texas!  So, there you have it for week one. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's Wednesday. . . .Again. . . .Already!

I guess the week has gone by so quickly since we were gone from Thursday until Monday.  It was just me and Mr. Giggles and we had a good time.  We went shopping for teacher supplies and got some really good deals on books.  I bought probably 10 books with activities for kids and I most of them for 75% off!  I also got some cute decorations for my room. . . .our back to school theme will be owls. . . .Whooo's ready for 2nd grade!  We also went to Galveston and walked around on the strand for several hours but we didn't buy anything, drove around on the seawall and ate dinner at Salsa's where I have grilled shrimp tacos and Mr. G had shrimp chili relleno.  If you are in Galveston you should eat there!  We also went to visit friends in Sugarland and my friend had a bunch of teacher stuff for me.  It was so good to get to catch up with them.  We only get see them every few years or so.
Today I have my weigh in at WW. I hope I did well. According to my food log I did good so I hope it translates into a loss for the week. I went to water aerobics last night with my sister RAW and LEH. It was nice, I am a little sore in places!

Here are a few pictures from our trip.  I am still in a photo taking slump. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Just a few things I would like to see during this very hot and dry summer.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Has This Ever Happened To You?

Well, it has happened to us twice.  I guess that is what happens when you get old!!  You are probably wondering what in the world I am talking about so let me tell you.  Today I was at Michael's and went to open my car door so I could get out and go into the store and my door handle broke.  You read that right, my inside door handle broke.  Thank goodness I have small fingers and can get the door open.  And yes, this happened to my husband's truck a year or so ago.  And the reason I say it is what happens when you are old is because our newest vehicle (the hubby's truck) is a 1996 model.  Our other two vehicles are both 1995 models.  And that was the excitement of my day!

I didn't realize last night when I posted that it was my 500th post.  I can't believe that I have had that much to write about!!!  My husband would say otherwise.  I would love to have a giveaway but since I have been unemployed since 2007, I better not.  Yes, I have a job but I won't get a paycheck until the end of August or thereabouts.  Maybe after the next 500 ramblings.

I survived my first day of Weight Watchers.  Yeah me! 

Well, that is all for tonight.  I am tired.  Oh, the weatherman just said 14 days of 100 degree heat.  It seems like it has been 1400 days of 100 degree heat.

Monday, July 11, 2011


I really like summer because I enjoy the sun, swimming, traveling, and most other fun activities associated with summer but I am going to say that this summer has been too much.  This is our forecast for the week.  Don't let the clouds fool you.  The sun is not hiding behind the clouds here in Texas.  It will melt you whenever you walk outside.  I got up this morning and started mowing around 8:20 or so and it was miserable (and I was on the riding lawnmower).  I will be getting up much earlier in the morning to try to get everything finished up.  I don't like wishing away time but I am now looking forward to fall and winter.

Tonight there was finally something on tv that the Mister and I wanted to watch.  He has got me hooked on Eureka and Warehouse 13.  If you are into science fiction, these are pretty good shows.  Tomorrow night we will watch Gene Simmons Family Jewels. . .that is my guilty pleasure!

Today I signed up for Weight Watchers.  I am excited but a little scared.  I really want to lose weight so I am hoping that I can stick with it and do what needs to be done.  I had planned on having lap band surgery but my insurance company had other plans for me.  After I had done all of the pre-surgery prep, they would not approve for me to have the surgery locally.  I was going to have to go out of town and I didn't want to do that so here is where I am.  If you are on WW, leave me a comment and let me know how it is working for you.

Well, I had better close for the night.  I need to do some dreaded housework!  Have a great evening.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Weekly Menu

Our exciting menu for this week.

Monday:  sloppy joes and potato salad
Tuesday:  fish fillets and velveeta shells and cheese
Wednesday:  fend for yourself
Thursday:  tbd
Friday: tbd

This weekend Mr. Giggles, Dad, RAW and I went to see Cars 2.  Cute movie.  Even Mr. Giggles enjoyed it (he doesn't like animated movies)!  Got a busy week coming up.  There will be mowing for sure!  Yes, even dead brown grass needs to be mowed.

In case you have wondered (and I am sure that you have just been so worried about this) why I haven't posted any pictures lately is because I have been in a picture taking slump.  I didn't even take any pictures on our vacation!  I am hoping to get back in the groove soon.  I know that you are dying to see more pictures of cows standing in the water!!

Have a good week.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


I am going to warn you now. . . .this post is going to be random so if that makes your head hurt, you may want to come back later!

• This was my FB status for today: Giggles is thinking about this day two years ago when Mom, Bec, RAW and I were sitting in her hospital room and Dr. Jenkins came in and told us that she had leukemia. And then we had to wait for my Dad to get there so we could tell him. So I will spend today thinking about a wonderful woman who I was lucky enough to call my Mom. This has been on my mind all day. I remember this day like it was yesterday. The four of us were just sitting in her room chatting and wondering when she was going to be released so we could go back home and get back to life as normal. And as of that day our lives would never ever be the same. If you want to read about our journey with leukemia you can go here.

• If you are looking for some good side dish recipes you should stop by Kelly’s Korner. I have some new dishes I can’t wait to try. If you are interested in what I posted, you can go here.

• I have been super duper lazy today. All I have accomplished is watching tv with my hubby (he is off on Friday’s during the school year), reading recipes for new side dishes, visiting some new blogs from Jenna’s Journey’s challenge (and there are so many that I can’t comment on and it is really irritating me. . . .what is up with blogger?), showered and went to dinner at Ozona with my hubby, Dad and sister RAW. Tomorrow I have so much to do.

• I am picking up a few things for my classroom here and there. I am trying not to get too much though. Our school meets in a church and we only have so much that we can do in our rooms. Every Wednesday and Friday our rooms have to be disassembled for Bible classes and then reassembled the next class day so you don’t really want to have too much to move and put away.

• I am excited about finding so many neat blogs from Jennas challenge. I get really excited when I find bloggers from Texas and when I find teachers. What makes it even more exciting is when I find Texas teachers!

Well, I am going to say goodnight so. . . . . .goodnight!

Just thought I would post a picture of snow to help you stay cool! 

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I HATE housework. . . . raise your hand if you do too!!!  I need an organizer and a cleaning crew to come through here and get everything cleaned and in it's proper place and then I will try to take over from there!  Anyway. . . . .Are you having a good day?  My day was pretty good. . . I went to my first teacher workshop and it was awesome!  I have three more to go to and I am really excited about it.

My hubby has a few more days he needs to take off before school starts and I have no idea where I want to go.  Plus we are trying to decide if we should take our trailer or stay in a hotel.  It is summer time. . .I shouldn't have to think so hard!!!

 I have procrastinated long enough so I guess I had better get back to the dreaded housework!!!  Atleast I don't have to cook dinner tonight!

And your laugh for today:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Do You Ever??

Do you ever have those days when just about everything that is said or done just annoys the snot out of you?  I think that today is going to be one of those days.  I guess what has annoyed me most today is that my nephew and niece are busy until August so we won't get to spend any extra time with them this summer.  I miss getting to see them and spending time with them.

I have just been weepy today. . . .not sure why.  Guess I am just missing my Mom so much.  Somedays the fact that she is gone is just so overwhelming.  I still catch myself thinking that I need to call her about this or that or just because I hadn't talked to her that day.  We would have been working on things for my classroom but now it is just me thinking about things and I am just not interested.

Today I had a meeting with a potential student's parents.  Hoping it went ok.  Hope they choose our school.  I found out that I will have about 11 students.  Several of them I subbed for last year so they know me and I am familiar with them.  I picked up all my teacher edition books so I can get started on lesson plans and figuring out what in the world I will be doing.  I am scared of the unknown and this year is definately an unknown.

Well, I had better go.  I have to get ready for church.  It has gotten really windy and it would be super nice if we could get some rain. . . . .but I am not holding my breath.  Our part of Texas seems to have a big rain shield over it.  The weather just came on and it is showing rain but I am not seeing it yet.  Keeping my fingers crossed.  Before I posted, I heart thunder. . . .come on rain!!!

Hope you had a great day.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I Am

I am

I found this on another friend's blog and thought that it was really neat.
I first did this in September 2008 but thought I would change what needed to be changed for 2011 for me and so that anyone stopping by might get a glimpse of who I am.  2011 Answers will be in purple.

i am...a Christian, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a teacher, a friend.
i dream...of one day having a family of my own.
i think...that my husband and family bring out the best in me.
i know...that I am a terrible housekeeper.
i want...children and to find a job that I will love.
i amazing husband, an awesome family and great friends.  And I finally have a teaching job!!
i wish...this year would have turned out differently.  I wish everyday that I could hold my baby boy and that my Mom was still here.
i hate...feeling bad about the things I sometimes say and do.  That my Dad is alone and that he misses my Mom so much.
i baby boy.  My Mom.
i fear...never having children.
i I am alone (sometimes)
i hear...the noise of the tv.
i smell...cinnamon candles!  An old house.
i crave...Mexican food.
i search...for knowledge and a better understanding of my Christian walk.
i wonder...will I ever be a mommy?
i regret...that I am sometimes not the person I should be.  That sometimes I speak without thinking.
i family so much it sometimes hurts.
i ache...when I know someone I care about is hurting.
i care...about my family and friends.
i always...try to be a good person.
i am not...going to let anyone get the best of me.
i Jesus Christ.
i dance...when no one is watching.
i sing...a lot!
i cry...when my heart is hurting or when I feel overwhelmed.  When I think about the things my Mom will miss.
i don't...want to hurt anymore.
i year is better than this year.  That my first year of teaching is successful.
i fight...for what I believe in.  And for those I love.
i write...because I can say things better that way.  So that maybe someone else will be inspired in some way.
i train of thought often.
i listen...when someone needs to be heard.
i can usually be home.
i count my blessings.  Be more understanding and love more freely.
i am happy...when I am with my husband.  When I get to spend time with my nephew and niece (and the rest of my family).
i always be the best that I can be!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Having a Challenge With the Challenge!!

I have been traveling around blogland through Jenna's challenge but I have been having a challenge with my computer.  This past weekend Mr. Giggles completely reworked my computer to see if it would help with the slowness of my beloved computer.  Well, now I am having to break it back in and put all of my "stuff" back on it.  Unfortunately there are some blogs that I cannot comment on and I really want to comment on them all.  I downloaded Mozilla because in the past it has fixed the problem with commenting but it isn't even working tonight.  So. . . . .I am going to head to bed and hopefully with a good night's sleep (well, hopefully a goodnight's sleep but I watched a show filled with snakes so we shall see) I will be able to get this stupid lovely piece of electronic equipment working again so I can comment.  So that being said.  Good night and I will check back in with some of y'all tomorrow.

Commenting Challenge and Misc.

For the next 7 days, Jenna over at Jenna's Journey is hosting in commenting challenge.  This is a neat way to meet new blog friends.  A quick run down of the rules. . . .link up on her blog, visit and comment on 10 blogs for the next 7 days.  Go visit here to find out more info and join up!  Hope to meet you there!!

It is hard to believe that it has been over a week since I last posted.  We were on vacation last week and we just relaxed.  I didn't even take one picture (that might have to do with the extreme drought conditions in Texas and the fact that everything is the same shade of brown!).  I am working on a run down of what we did on vaction and hope to get it finished today.

What are you doing for the 4th?  Ours will be low key as usual (except no fireworks at all) with lunch and family time at the in-laws house and then over to my sister's for some more family time.  I will also be dreading the fact that the hubster has to go back to work tomorrow.

My plans for the rest of the week are to get things put back in place in the house and in the travel trailer from vacation, mow (if I can get the mower fixed!), start working on things for school because. . . . .I have a job!! and study for a certification test (yes, another one for teaching.  this one is so I can teach 5th & 6th grade) and hopefully lunch with friends!  Oh, and hopefully get back in the blogging groove!! 

Have a great one my friends!

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Birthday America!
Have a safe and enjoyable 4th!  Ours will be quiet this year because all fireworks have been banned due to extreme drought conditions!


© Life in My Lane: All photographs and text on this site are the sole property of Life in My Lane and may not be used or copied without express consent of Life in My Lane.