Monday, January 3, 2011

2010 Q & A

I have seen this on a couple of other blogs so I thought I would do one too (yes, I know that I am a follower but only sometimes!  Some of the questions were really hard to answer.

1-  What did you do in 2010 that you have never done before?  I honestly can't think of an anwer for this one

2-  Did anyone close to you give birth?  Some friends from church did, a girl for one family and a boy for the other family

3-  Did anyone close to you die?  Yes, my beautiful Mom.

4-  What date from 2010 will remain etched in your memory and why?  March 1, 2010, the day my Mom passed away.

5-  What was your biggest acheivement this year?  Learned how to rely on myself more because I didn't have my Mom to help me.

6-  Did you suffer any illness or injury?  I had either phlebitus or cellulitus in my foot (awful)

7-  What was the best thing you bought? No idea - we haven't made any major purchases and I can't pinpoint any of the small ones.

8-  Where did most of your money go?  to pay bills

9-  What song will always remind you of 2010?

10-  What do you wish you'd done more of?  been able to spend more time with my Mom

11-  What do you wish you'd done less of?  worried about what others thought about things

12-  What was your favorite TV program?  The Big Bang Theory

13-  What's the best book you read this year? I read so many that I can't remember one specific one!

14-  What was your favorite movie this year?  RED with Bruce Willis

15-  What did you do on your birthday? How old were you?  celebrated with family - 40

16-  Did you travel anywhere this year?  the beginning of the year consisted of traveling to MD Anderson also Shreveport and Colorado

17-  What national/world event stirred you the most?  The Chilean miners being rescued and the earthquakes in Haiti

18-  What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?  for my Mom to have been able to overcome leukemia and the stemcell transplant and for myself to become a Mommy

19-  What merited celebration?  There wasn't much celebration in my family this year

20-  Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010?  God is in control and what happens is in his plan, not mine no matter how much it hurts.  I already knew that but was boldly reminded

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