Wednesday, February 9, 2011

And the Cold Continues

The temperature here is 24 degrees.  We were supposed to be in the 30's until noon but looks like we might not be in the 20's then!  We are not supposed to get any snow but it has been raining this morning so when I head out to go work this in about two hours, I will have to be very careful.  I just got off the phone with the Mr. and he reminded me that I needed to turn on the outside faucet on the north side of the house. . . . .I am currently in my pjs with a towel wrapped around my wet head.  Guess I need to dry my hair and head outside!  Just FYI. . . . I am not going to complain about the weather because I know that if I do, I will be reminded that I was complaining about the heat during the summer!  Just got back in from having to thaw the water faucet so I could first turn it on and then again to get the water running!  Thank goodness for the new heatgun we bought last week. 
Several schools in the area are closing early (including my hubby's) but not the one I am subbing at!  I really hope the roads aren't too icy.  Thankfully there is no more precipitation coming down.  Well, I had better run so I can get ready for work.  Wish me luck on my drive in!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Any rise in the temperatures yet?? I applaud you for all that thawing and heating pipes and faucets...and still not complaining!!:) You are a better woman than I!


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