Monday, April 12, 2010

Gospel Meeting

Our 4th annual Gospel meeting began yesterday and it has been incredible. Our speaker has such a wonderful delivery of God's word. I wish you could all be there. Tonight's lesson was on integrity and what you do when no one is looking.
Tonight I sat down and visited with the preacher and his wife and he was asking me who my Dad was and we talked about my Mom. I told him that she had only been gone for one month and 11 days. Mr. J said that he could see the weariness in my Dad's face. I think we all shed some tears yesterday during the sermon titled Playing While You Are Hurt. My mom loved meetings like this and she loved our church.
Well, I hope you are all having a good week. I am teaching 3rd grade tomorrow and junior high choir on Wednesday.


Stephen and Larissa said...

Both of those topics sound great. Where do you attend? We were members of the Bryan/College Station coC while we were at A&M.

Giggles said...

We attend Brazos Valley Church of Christ. We have been meeting for about 4 years. We love, love, love it. We have a very strong preacher, good elders and deacons. The Bible is what is preached. It is a great congregation. We visited at BCS a few times and know several people/families out there. Maybe one day we will run into each other either here or when we go see Kenneth & Lea.

Jennifer said...

Wow - our Sunday school lesson this past week was on integrity! Hmmm.... definitely not a trait too highly valued by our society today. I pray these meetings will be a well as more time for healing..for both you and your dad. Thinking about you this morning.

Donna said...

The topics sound great! Certainly, our world could use more people with integrity, and I want to be one of them!

Hope the meetings continue to be a blessing to you, and that you are able to learn even more. We have some special meetings coming up next Friday-Sunday (23-25) and I'm really looking forward to them.

I'm praying for you this morning, and hoping that your substituting goes well!

field4kids said...

Tammy, I am continuing to pray for your family everyday. I hope time really will heal your broken hearts.


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