Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday Madness

Weekly Menu

Monday: fend for yourself - I ate with my Dad and sister
Tuesday: spaghetti
Wednesday: leftovers or fend for yourself
Thursday: fish sticks and potato salad
Friday: out to dinner
Saturday: fend for yourself

Kind of took it easy today so as not to aggravate the back. Thank goodness there were no muscle spasms like I had yesterday. I do not enjoy standing through church (both services) and then at our table at lunch. People look at you funny if you are just standing at the table while everyone else is sitting down!
Tomorrow I will once again start filling out job applications. I do not like having to fill out applications on-line. I never know if it is actually going where it is supposed to go. Not looking forward to interviews. They make me really nervous. AND I really hate when they ask me questions that I don't know the answer to!
Well, that is enough useless info for today.

Hi Mrs. H's Mom. Thank you so much for the lovely note you sent me. :)


Jennifer said...

Hope your back is feeling even better today - can't say that would enjoy standing through church either!

Donna said...

Thanks for stopping by today! I certainly hope that your back is feeling much better and that you're able to go about your normal activities. Thinking of you and praying for you...


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